The adolescents can believe that this of the internet swindles are only a joke, that this only gonna pass to the people in other countries, but in some cases can see that it is more real that it seems and it has arrived at the death, the pregnancy and the suicide. Yes, it can sound really rare and you are thinking ¡this girl is freak! ¡¿ Pregnancy in internet!? But it seems that it is very possible and constant like you can see in these cases:
* Though you think if this people only exist in the scared movies, but though you don’t believe it there are vile and cruel people that just think in kill people and take revenge them, and when they see the easiest that is lie and excite an innocent! Person using the chat... they only do it, like in this case:
- Case of death on internet:
In day she was Christina long, a girl of 13 years and cheer captain in her school. The director of her school Saied that she was a “good student” and that “she never caused problems”. But in the nights, she connected at internet with the cybernetic name “long toohot4u” and a particular slogan: “I make anything, at least by once”. Inside her room she used her computer to meet adults to have sex with them. In her civil state Saied “maybe unmarried maybe not”. One Monday her body was finding in a flank of a street, in the locality of Greenwich. She was strangled by men of 25 years that she met in one of her chats
*yes, I know you do the same question ¡¿ Pregnancy!? But it possible and constant, there are men and women that only search SEX, yes I know I Saied pregnancy, because if you don’t have the necessary precautions to avoid it. And I don’t talk just of pregnancy, also there a lot of possibilities and ways to infect some disease like the VIH.
Case of violation on internet.
During 9 months maintained a relationship by chat, they sent photos and finally they programate a date. They found and he said to she if she would took a bus to Chapinero but before they arrived to Chapinero he said if they can down in a desolate place to shorten the journey. When they was so far he take she by the neck and threaten she saying to her that 3 men will going to pay $300 to send her to this place. She offers him to duplicate the money if he doesn’t do anything to her. Then the man forces her to have sexual relations.
* Yes, now you think “there’s not a way that someone force me to kill myself, I just search fun” Say me this when they said to you that they have your parents locked up and that the only way to save them is killing yourself! ¿did you do it? The answer continue being NO there’s a lot of technology in these days for change the voice and force you to do it, but think it.. ¿are they where they say? You know perfectly that you can call them and talk with them... Can be a lot of possibilities that it is a trap only so that the Bad People! Feel okay when they know that you kill yourself in vain... Because if you don’t believe it the Bad People! Like this thought it is the most vile and cruel of the world for all the innocents!
- Case of suicide on internet.
*the term Cibersuicide refer principally to the influence of information about suicide appeared on internet in the incidence of the suicides in the people that sail on the internet. You can find suicides games, suicides jokes and suicide music. One of the groups more active is alt.suicide.Holiday (ash) appeared in the 80s, for the people that want to discuss the suicides options and for the ones that considers the suicide like an open possibility for all. There are described the suicides methods, from the more knotweed and effective to the methods more frivolous, it can be more than 40, it can appear suicides notes and announcements urging the suicide.